Jack DiGeronimo is a designer from Boston, Massachusetts.
February 2025 / Jack DiGeronimo is currently studying for the ARE 5.0 and will be doing so until he finishes his exams. His goal is to get his license this year. Also, he has been learning to write in the third person. His licensure status can be found here.
January 2024 / Jack DiGeronimo has completed his architecture thesis project at Boston Architectural College entitled Architecture Through Gaze. This thesis investigates the relationship of gaze in space and how it can be used to invert the hierarchy of architecture and urban space.
November 2024 / NOMAS-BAC and BosNOMA host an architecture-adjacent event entitled Build and Beyond at Payette. Featured speakers include Danniely Staback Rodriguez, Denise Dea, Caleb Hawkins, Jabari Canada, Peter Atwood, and Jay Nothoff.
September 2024 / Jack DiGeronimo begins teaching Open Studio at Boston Architectural College, a function of the Foundation Department directed by Lee Peters. Open Studio is the only studio TA position at Boston Architectural College and therefore duties expand into all years and depantments including Interior and Landscape.
August 2024 / Jack DiGeronimo is elected to the NOMAS-BAC board as Treasurer. His role is to prepare budgets for events. He joins Noushin Nawal, Jharitza Cruz, Addison Mills, and Alex Hoagland, who are President, Vice President, Secretary, and Chair of Outreach respectively. Jack will create Architecture Walks with Alex Hoagland, an event which intends to bring people together to physically experience architecture and discuss it in its presence.
July 2024 / Jack DiGeronimo has completed his Advanced Interdisciplinary Studio, Post Pandemic Suburbs, a charette-based studio with a heavy emphasis on historical research of suburban planning and design. This summertime studio was taught by Jeff Stein AIA and Marc Hershman.
June 2024 / Jack DiGeronimo is teaching a one-week introduction to architecture and architectural modeling workshop at Boston Leadership Institute. He prepares lesson plans, activities, and mock reviews to simulate architecture school.
May 2024 / Jack DiGeronimo has completed Degree Project Studio.
April 2024 / Jack DiGeronimo, Allyson Middleton, and Ian Taberner AIA hosted a lecture, review, and exhibition event entitled Design Dialogue: Student Exhibition. It created an opportunity to exhibit recent student work, talk about architecture outside of formal class hours, and introduce Iaand his work to undergraduates and new students. It was highly rated among students and plans are in place to run the event yearly.
Februrary 2024 / Jack DiGeronimo is elected to the AIAS-BAC board as the Media Chair. His role is to design posters and run events.
December 2023 / Jack DiGeronimo passes Portfolio Review 2 at Boston Architectural College, marking the beginning of his thesis year.
August 2023 / Jack DiGeronimo begins Architecture Studio 4, taught by Virginia Rogers.
January 2023 / Jack DiGeronimo begins Architecture Studio 3, taught by Jenna Tegeler, focusing on democratizing housing in an undemocratic site.
August 2022 / Jack DiGeronimo begins Architecture Studio 2 at Boston Architectural College, taught by Abigail Vu. This studio is his first in-person class since the pandemic.
January 2022 / Jack DiGeronimo begins Architecture Studio 1 at Boston Architectural College, taught by Melissa Toops. Explored ideas include, translucency and opaqueness, view and circulation, and public realm integration along the harbor. Foundational concepts are twisted to create active space, such as the counterintuitive move to compress circulation routes into a single cooridor.
December 2021 / Jack DiGeronimo passes Portfolio Review 1 at Boston Architectural College, representing the completion of the foundation year. Jack DiGeronimo received the Portfolio Award.
November 2021 / Jack DiGeronimo begins working as an Intern-Architect at Phoenix Architects in Wakefield, Massachusetts.
August 2021 / Jack DiGeronimo begins Foundation Studio 2 at Boston Architectural College, taught by Monica Gonzalez de Wulff.
January 2021 / Jack DiGeronimo enrolls in Boston Architectural College’s Bachelor of Architecture program. His first studio, Foundation Studio 1, taught by Chala Hadimi, acts as his introduction to the field of architecture.
Sometime 2023 / Jack DiGeronimo is appointed to the unofficial BAC and Balls Club board, as Treasurer-at-Large. Joining Brooke Telfer, Tobias Albrecht, and Mattheus Caldiera who are the President, Vice President, and Chair of Outreach. This club hosts more events than officially sanctioned clubs.
Director of Advanced Studios: Robert Gillig, RA / Dean of Architecture: Karen Nelson
This project explores flipping the relationship of spatial ownership from private architecture to public urban through an inversion of the gaze. The theatre is a naturally contradicting typology as it is neither public nor private space.
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This project explores the idea of creating orientation through a density gradient and creating community through shared walking paths with visually unique homes. In a world that is becoming decentralized, people need to be connected where they are.
Design Dialogue Student Exhibition was an event hosted at the BAC’s Cascieri Hall that featured an opening lecture from Ian Taberner AIA, the BAC’s Director of Thesis and winner of the controversial Kent State Memorial design competition. Following the lecture was a review and discussion of the 23 featured projects exhibited. The projects stayed up for the following week where feedback could be accumulated anonymously through post-it notes. This event was extremely well-recieved and I am very proud of the work of myself, Allyson, and Ian put in to make this happen.
Architecture Studio 2 / Abigail Vu
This project explores how view, light, and circulation can increase the percieved activity of space. This counterintuitive approach to transit design creates congestion rather than dispersing it, activating the space. A play of volumes and materials organize these interactions, binding main spaces to the local context.
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A small, complicated addition to a cape.
Construction completed in March of 2024